Justify Your Attendance

Below are a few key talking points to share with your organization about the NAMSS 48th Educational Conference & Exhibition and tips to guide your conversation for justifying your conference attendance:

  • Before meeting with your supervisor, prepare a plan that shows who will cover your duties while you attend the conference.

  • Offer to prepare and deliver a short presentation and Q&A session for your colleagues to share what you learned at the conference. This way, your coworkers will also benefit from your attendance.

  • NAMSS is offering a special group rate, if you register three or more individuals from your organization you can save 10% off each registration. (for in-person attendees only).

  • Share speaker presentations and handouts with your colleagues. NAMSS attendees will have unlimited access to download presenter materials.

  • If you are working to earn or maintain the CPCS® or CPMSM® certifications, remind your supervisor that this is a great way for you to earn NAMSS CE Credits toward your recertification. Contact the NAMSS staff if you need additional information or support when drafting your request. We hope to see you in Denver this fall!

Step 1: Determine the Cost of Attending

It is important to consider the cost of attending before anything else. These costs include registration, hotels, travel, food and all other miscellaneous expenses. Be sure to include all costs when approaching your employer for sponsorship to attend the conference.

Step 2: Outline the Benefits

When showcasing the benefits of the conference, focus on what you will bring back to your organization as a return on their investment. Use the schedule on our website to highlight sessions you are most interested in attending and answer the following questions:

When considering these questions, keep these tips in mind: 

  • Which sessions have particular relevance to the work you do?

  • Which sessions can teach you a skill and/or help your team overcome current or future challenges?

  • Are there any speakers your organization would benefit from hearing from or working with?

  • Which exhibiting companies will be demonstrating the tools you use or are evaluating for potential future use?

  • What value could you get from discussions with other credentialing specialists?

  • How will you benefit from networking with your peers and brainstorming ideas to enhance the current state of CVOs?

Step 3: Draft Your Request

Use this customizable letter to show the costs and benefits of attending that you outlined above. 

Dear < approver’s name >,

I would like to attend the NAMSS 48th Educational Conference & Exhibition taking place September 29 – October 2, 2024. This conference and exhibition experience is the premier educational event in the medical services field, and is an opportunity for me to attend a wide variety of educational sessions that are directly applicable to my work and to reconnect with a variety of experts and colleagues from across the country.

Presentation topics range from < list relative topic > to < list another relative topic >, and I am confident that the education and skills that I gain will be directly applicable to my work. 

In order to attend the conference and gain these benefits, I am seeking sponsorship of < total amount you need > for registration expenses:

The opportunity for me to develop a network of contacts and to gain knowledge in specific areas in an innovative event makes my attendance at the NAMSS 48th Educational Conference & Exhibition a wise investment that will benefit our organization as we look toward to future of patient safety. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like more information on the NAMSS conference.

< your name here >


CPCS®, CPMSM®, Tomorrow's MSP® and #MSPWeek® are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as service marks of National Association Medical Staff Services.  
